Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Blog Entry 3: What to do with a GoPro when summer is over.

Silvia Kay-Water Images
  In the beginning of summer I purchased a GoPro Hero 3 for my multimedia class. I had always wanted one and figured it was a good excuse to purchase a $300 mini camera. So I did and while experiencing what the little beauty can do I discovered how crazy awesome water photography is with the camera. I had a blast taking images with it, I didn't even want to submit a video time lapse for my final project. Sadly summer is over and fall is officially here so now what do I do with the camera? I don't plan on snowboarding anytime soon or jumping out of a plane tomorrow. So I thought of the following three things:

                                                                                               Silvia Kay-Final project

1: Video blogging my adventures of trying to capture sunrises and sunsets. Mounting the GoPro to my car when driving to locations for my final project in multimedia was a lot of fun I got to see my journey in capturing the great images I did. I'll call it "A day in life of a student photographer" by Silvia Lopez. 

Photo credit: Courtney Greener (http://cdn.visualnews.com)
2. Passing seasons. There is something about looking at images of leaves falling or leavings changing why not take images in a forest starting today then ending when al, the leaves have fallen. While it may be tricky to be I'm the same spot every day it will be fun to try out. Then when winter comes a time laps of snow falling makes a perfect screen saver. The the great thing about Gopros are they are made for weather. I can leave the camera out in its waterproof case and capture a four hour snow fall. 


Silvia Kay- Splash Photography
3. Splash photography. I have done several attempts with my DSLR and it is so much fun but very tricky and scary at the same time. You have very expensive equipment all around the subject that can get water damage easily even if it is covered with plastic. Placing the Gopro in its little shell and getting more closer in depth with the micro burst setting, taking 10 frames per second would be crazy fun. And with the wifi built in to the camera the shutter can be released by remote at distant for insurance of no fingers or hands in any image.

Summer water fun may be over but falling leavings and splashing beverages has just began.

-Silvia Kay

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